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Ultrasonic cavitation allows for the disruption of cellular membranes in adipocytes or fat cells. It promotes body contouring, slimming, and weight loss. Many clients see results after their first session.
Vacuum therapy massages the skin to increase blood flow and lymphatic drainage, simultaneously supporting healthy skin and circulation. Vacuum therapy has been praised as a non-invasive treatment that can reverse the appearance of your skin’s age by 10 years. By working in conjunction, these two technologies create even more dramatic tightening and overall improved skin results.
Target Areas: Mid Section, Thighs and Arms.
Package Options:
(Lipo + Cavi Per Section)
Treatment includes Vibration Plate and Sauna Blanket.
Stand alone pricing is available for the following services:
After Pay & Cherry Pay is available for packages: Package details and purchase links below.
Note: Individual Results Vary. These treatments work well with a healthy lifestyle. These procedures are not meant to treat obesity.
A Consultation is required prior to treatment.
Lipo Laser Body Contouring stimulates adipose cells to release much of their cellular content (water, fatty acids, and glycerol) into the interstitial space so that it is subsequently drained and naturally metabolized by the body. This is how the fat cells shrink, which is visibly seen as a loss in centimeters on the treated areas, slimming patients effectively.
Lipo Laser is a great complement to liposuction but it is also a popular choice for those who want to reduce the circumference of various body areas without undergoing major surgery.
The advantages of Lipo Laser are endless, especially for those people who want to improve their health and their bodies by eliminating a great amount of fat content that has accumulated inside their cells!
We recommend a series of 9 to 12 sessions. This treatment is often provided 2 to 3 times per week for a minimum of 4 weeks.
3 Sessions of Lipo Laser and Cavitation Treatments
Monica's Skincare Boutique
1001 Garfield Street, Oak Park, Illinois 60304, United States